"Cookies" settings
We use "cookies" to make the most of your visit to our website. They can be used to personalize content and ads, to analyze traffic, and to display various third-party plugins (e.g. social sites, online chat). At the same time, we share information about your use of the site in an anonymized form with our partners in the field of social networks, advertising and web analytics. More information can be found here.
Marketing "Cookies" are used to monitor customer behavior on the site. Their goal is to provide relevant and useful advertising for each individual user, making them beneficial to all. (more)
Statistical "Cookies" help website owners to understand how users behave on their sites by collecting and reporting anonymous data. (more)
These "Cookies" are indispensable for the functionality of the website and ensure its functioning, for example, when navigating and making user sections available. This site cannot function properly if cookies are not enabled. (more)
These "cookies" primarily help to personalize the content, for example, by offering specific products according to the history of your web browsing or according to orders. (more)
Our website does not use security "Cookies". (more)
User preferences
It monitors the user's consent to provide user data to Google services for advertising purposes(more)
Personalization data
Monitors user consent to target personalized ads by Google services (products). (more)
Consent to the use of "Cookies"
We use "Cookies" to make the most of your visit to our website. They can be used to personalize content and ads, to analyze traffic, and to display various third-party plugins (e.g. social sites, online chat).
You can find your "Cookie" settings and other information on the “Cookies” settings page
Flexotisk je moderní tisková technologie využívaná převážně k výrobě obalových materiálů. Flexotisk využíváme pro velmi širokou paletu výrobků. Tato technologie je vhodná pro tisk ploch i pro tisk rastrů. Flexibilní tisk se používá také pro mimořádně kvalitní tisk barevných reprodukcí. Umožňuje nejen potisk papíru, ale také plastových fólií.
Naše strojní zařízení pro flexotisk umožňuje potiskovat až osmi barvami, potiskovat materiál do šíře 1300 mm a maximální délka tisku je 800 mm.
Naše technologie kašírovaného lepení umožňuje výrobu vícevrstvých materiálů dle Vašich požadavků, a to do šíře 1300 mm.
Materiály jsme schopni nařezat dle Vašich požadavků. Řezací stroj zvládá výrobky od šíře 35 mm do šíře 1300 mm.